Infrastrutture Sicure

Monitoring Infrastructure

Monitoring of infrastructure works using IOT technology. Infrastrutture Sicure specializes in the collection of information that is used to define the safe behavior of infrastructures.

We manufacture digital sensors designed to be applied directly to infrastructures.

Our app works on mobile devices and desktop computers.

Monitor the natural frequencies and modes of vibration of the structure.

Thanks to wireless sensors, costs are reduced compared to wired networks.

Safety in Infrastructures

IS is specialized in collecting information needed to define the safe behavior of infrastructures, through the development of monitoring systems for bridges, viaducts, overpasses and tunnels, buildings, land and monumental assets.

Thanks to IoT technology, sensors, data and dedicated apps, infrastructures can “talk”, giving real-time information on their status, or on any risky situations on which it is necessary to intervene promptly.

Bridge monitoring

Systems to know the level of safety of infrastructures dedicated to transport

Increasing the safety of road, motorway and rail transport infrastructures is possible through the use of dedicated technologies and software capable of transforming data into relevant information.

Monitoring of buildings and large structures

Data analysis to verify over time the buildings safety level

Useful information over time. This is what we need to detect in order to monitor the behavior of a large structure or building. We need to understand whether the situation is changing, or has changed, in comparison to certain benchmarks. After a heavy snowfall, for example, or an earthquake. Or due to normal deterioration due to time.

Monitoring of monuments and cultural and artistic heritage

Data collection on the state of conservation of historic buildings and monuments

An “open-air museum”. In every city, in every square, even in the most remote villages, Italy can boast an artistic heritage of great importance. A heritage to be protected, to prevent it from being lost forever. 

Soil monitoring and landslide control

Constant monitoring of the soil through sensors

Italy is a country that often has to deal with climate emergencies, due both to seasonal conditions and unfortunately to an overall neglected state of territories, river banks and mountain areas.

The Experience of the Rudavoi Bridge

In 2018 we started experimenting with our Internet of Things technology with a project for Veneto Strade, applying the sensors and technologies to the Bridge over the Rudavoi River, which is located along the S.R. 48 “delle Dolomiti”, in the municipality of Cortina d’Ampezzo (BL).

Key Benefits of Monitoring Using IOT Sensors

  • Repair/Replacement Priority
  • Reduced inspection costs
  • Monitoring of critical elements
  • Extended life of the structure
  • Detection of non-visible defects
  • Reduced maintenance costs
  • Increased structural safety

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