Infrastrutture Sicure

Infrastrutture Sicure

Infrastrutture Sicure was born in mid-2021 from the desire to enhance the skills and experiences developed with the implementation of the Rudavoi Bridge monitoring system.

The important experience gained not only in the identification of control and monitoring solutions but above all in their operational implementation constitutes an important contribution to the defense and conservation of structures and infrastructures. This applies to monumental assets, which the passage of time can compromise and pose a risk of conservation for future generations and, above all, to handling and transport infrastructures, also in light of the recent and dramatic events that have affected the world of infrastructure.

Maurizio Alessandro

Civil Engineer

He joins General Electric to build thermal power plants in Egypt. He moved to Fiera Milano, participating in the construction of the Portello Pavilions and the redevelopment of the historic district. General Manager of Sviluppo Sistema Fiera, a subsidiary of Fondazione Fiera Milano, he is responsible for the New Rho-Pero Fair Project and oversees the development of the real estate and construction market, both public and private. He supported the Municipality of Milan for EXPO 2015, developing the Master Plan and the essential works of the Candidacy Dossier and participating in the start-up phase after the award in 2008.

He became general manager of the Consorzio Città della Salute di Milano, with the aim of bringing together three healthcare excellences in a single location: the Cancer Institute, the Besta Institute and the Sacco Hospital.

He then joined the A4Holding Group, as CEO and Chairman of the infrastructure subsidiary and then as CEO of the subsidiary operating the Oil & Food sub-concessions, the BS Est Car Park and RE and consultancy activities for Real Estate Funds in Property & Facility Management.

From 2017 to 2020 he was General Manager of Na.Gest, a company of the Italian Construction Group, operating in the world of Civil and Industrial Facility Management and Global Service, public and private.

Fabian Santecchia

Civil Engineer

Deals with both IT and infrastructure. Become a high-level programmer in the NET C#, RUBY, JAVA languages. He is also a programmer of SQL Server and MySQL databases as well as Oracle. It manages more than 22 asphalt conglomerate and milling infrastructure works in Argentina, and creates an IT team for the infrastructure world that sees the light in the construction of the management of the North Ring Road of Padua and in the construction of the lots of the noise barriers of the Brescia-Padua section.

Team leader of the first Mobile project with QRCode of Valdastico Sud for the management of the complex logistics of asphalting and supply of materials. He leads the group of developers in charge of the implementation of the IoT project for the management of the water supply to the large ships of the Port of Venice.

He leads the group of programmers in charge of the creation of the web platform, mobile – in the Android and iOS environments -, and iWatch of the Infrastructure Monitoring System. It carries out other projects such as Tender Management, Water Management, Vehicle Fleets, Construction Industry, ChatBot and Artificial Intelligence.

The IS method

The system developed by IS makes it possible for structures and infrastructures to “talk” to us, allowing operators to alert themselves in time and in line with the real situation in the field.

The monitoring system of structures, infrastructures and monumental assets is based on sensory units connected to the processing platform thanks to the IoT network and allows to effectively and economically collect the data necessary to describe the “state of health” of the monitored works, the configuration of the system allows a very simple, economical, stable installation with long duration and reliability of transmission, The processing platform intuitively presents the data of the monitored parameters, with a simple graphical form for users and with event notifications when critical thresholds are exceeded.

The processing platform makes the information available on a graphical user interface in a web environment, on mobile devices and also in chatbot mode, so that the user can choose from time to time the most convenient mode for his analysis.

Infrastrutture Sicure overturns the paradigm that until now has moved the verification and maintenance of monumental, structural and infrastructural works, moving from the regular monitoring adopted to date, to a targeted and punctual system in which it is the work that “requires” a verification and, if necessary, an intervention. The data describe the real and continuous evolution of its “state of health”.