Infrastrutture Sicure

Security of monuments and assets of cultural and artistic interest

Data collection on the state of conservation of historic buildings and monuments 

An “open-air museum”. In every city, in every square, even in the most remote villages, Italy and Europe itself, can boast an artistic heritage of great importance. A heritage to be protected, to prevent it from being lost forever.

Prevent collapse or the collapse itself of Art Works

Preventing the collapse or collapse of art works and assets of cultural interest, due to natural causes or contingent situations, is possible thanks to a specific study of the work and the application of monitoring tools that can identify the truly significant parameters.

Lowering or rotation, sagging, stress states, vibrations, or accidental causes can compromise the stability of works of great value: this is why it is necessary to monitor them, “listen” to what they have to say and intervene.


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